Generatore di newsletter AI

Scrivere newsletter più intelligenti in pochi minuti

Save time and boost engagement with AI-generated newsletters. Our AI crafts compelling newsletters that people actually want to read.

Generatore di newsletter AI

Provide a brief description of what your newsletter entails

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How to generate newsletters with AI

Create personalized, automated newsletters that engage your readers with the help of Hypotenuse AI.

Anteprima dell'app generatore di contenuti donna e AI

Passo 1

Aggiungi il tuo argomento

Per iniziare, è sufficiente descrivere l'argomento o incollare il contenuto. Potete anche aggiungere parole chiave per guidare ulteriormente la nostra IA o scegliere un tono per il vostro contenuto.

Passo 2

Generate Newsletter with AI

Just click generate and let our AI write the initial draft of your newsletter. Once the AI is done, you can look through the generated output and tweak the content as you wish.

Passo 3

Revisione e modifica

Una volta generata la copia, il nostro strumento produrrà alcune varianti uniche tra cui scegliere. Scegliete quella che vi piace di più, modificatela e utilizzatela come preferite.

Illustrazione della variazione

Revolutionize Your Newsletter Writing with AI

Icona del risparmio di tempo

Automatically Generate Newsletters

Produce higher quality newsletters in less time. Not only can our AI Newsletter Generator help you increase the speed of production, but it can also help reduce human error and improve accuracy.

Icona Classifica SEO

Reach Thousands of Subscribers

Increase customer engagement and satisfaction by producing tailored newsletters in bulk. Leverage our AI-driven tools to quickly create specialized content for larger customer segments and demographic groups.

Aumentare l'icona della conversione

Create Quality Drafts Consistently

Save time and resources by using AI to generate personalized newsletters with consistent quality. Our technology leverages natural language processing and AI algorithms to produce content that matches your established standards and branding.

"Introduciamo centinaia di prodotti al mese e avevamo bisogno di implementare rapidamente una soluzione elegante. Hypotenuse è senza dubbio lo strumento migliore, rapido, facile, affidabile e scalabile".

Crystal Ramirez

Vicepresidente, Tobi

"Posso produrre centinaia di descrizioni di prodotti in una volta sola, personalizzando facilmente il tono, lo stile e i contenuti per adattarli esattamente alla voce del nostro marchio, riducendo i tempi di produzione, liberando risorse e migliorando notevolmente la nostra esperienza utente complessiva".

Kristin Minasian

Produttore di contenuti digitali, Living Spaces

Domande frequenti

What is the best AI newsletter Generator?
Can an AI newsletter generator personalize brand voice?
What is an AI newsletter?
How does an AI newsletter generator work?
What is an AI newsletter generator?

Generare qualsiasi cosa con altri strumenti di IA

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Per saperne di più sull'AI copywriting e sugli strumenti

Abbiamo raccolto tutte le risorse e i suggerimenti necessari per scrivere contenuti in modo efficace.

AI Newsletter Generators: The Future of Email Marketing Is Here

As a business or marketer, you're likely looking for ways to improve your email marketing results and open rates. One of the latest tools that can help is AI newsletter generators. These automated tools can create customized newsletters for your contacts using AI.

What Is an AI Newsletter Generator?

An AI newsletter generator is an automated tool that uses artificial intelligence to create customized newsletters for your business. These smart software solutions can save you time by automatically generating newsletters based on your content templates, branding, and target audience.

How does it work?

AI newsletter generators work by analyzing your existing newsletters, emails, and content to understand your style, brand voice, and customer preferences.

All you have to do is review the generated draft, make any needed tweaks, and schedule your newsletter for delivery. AI generators get smarter over time by tracking open rates, click-throughs, and other engagement metrics to optimize content selection and increase the impact of your newsletters.

Benefits of Using an AI Newsletter Generator

Using an AI newsletter generator to create and send your email newsletters has some major benefits.

Risparmiare tempo

Creating engaging newsletters by hand used to be an arduous, time-consuming task. AI generators can draft a newsletter for you in minutes based on your content guidelines and the topics or products you want to feature. All you have to do is review, tweak as needed, and schedule for sending. This frees you up to focus on other important areas of your business.

Relevant, Personalized Content

AI systems get smarter over time by learning from the data you provide and feedback you give. The more newsletters you generate, the better the AI gets at creating content tailored to your audience’s needs and interests. It can suggest topics, marketing angles, calls-to-action, and other elements to include based on previous open and click-through rates. Your readers will appreciate receiving content that speaks to them.


As your mailing list and business grow, creating newsletters at scale becomes challenging without help. AI generators can handle higher volumes of newsletter creation and optimize the process. They scale with you, so you’ll always have a system in place to keep your subscribers engaged as you expand your reach.

Using an AI newsletter generator is an easy way to streamline your email marketing process and ensure you’re sending the most compelling content to your subscribers. The benefits of saved time, personalized and relevant content, and scalability are huge advantages for any business.

Tips for Creating a Newsletter

Keep your newsletter brief and to the point. Highlight one or two main topics along with a call to action. Add visual elements like images and videos to break up the text. Write in an informal, conversational tone that your subscribers will enjoy reading. Consider including:

  • A short summary of your most important news or announcement
  • An upcoming discount, promotion, or event
  • A featured product your subscribers might be interested in
  • A customer testimonial
  • An interesting industry trend or article

Ask an open-ended question to generate replies and foster engagement. End with a clear call-to-action for readers to buy your product, sign up for your service, or visit your website. Consider testing different subject lines and content to maximize your open rates.

Thank readers for subscribing and remind them of the value you provide with each newsletter. Over time, you'll build a relationship with your subscribers and increase the impact of your email marketing. Try keeping newsletters to a regular schedule, such as monthly or quarterly, so subscribers know when to expect your next one. Additional tips here for developing an email newsletter that readers will actually look at.

The Future of AI in Email Marketing

AI newsletter generators are transforming how brands connect with their audiences through email. AI that can write natural-sounding copy and curate content based on your subscribers’ interests enables highly personalized and engaging newsletters.

The future of email marketing is artificial intelligence. Using an AI newsletter generator is an easy way to make your emails more effective and get ahead of the competition. Why not give it a try?

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